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German Cockroaches

German Cockroaches are light brown or tan in color and are often distinguished by two dark stripes down their backs. Sizes range is ½ inch to ⅝ of an inch long. These are the most infestive species of roach

Brown Banded Cockroaches

Brown Banded Cockroaches get their name from the two light brown bands across their dark brown body.

American Cockroaches

American Cockroaches are a reddish brown color with a pale brown or yellow band around the edge of the pronotum. Males are longer than females since their wings extend four to eight millimeters past the tip of the abdomen.

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental Cockroaches are dark brown to black in color. Oriental cockroaches are an inch in length. The males' wings cover ¾ of their bodies, whereas the females have short wings.

Wood Cockroaches

Wood Cockroaches are dark chocolate brown, with a narrow tan line running along the outside edges of the wings and the area behind the head and grow to roughly one inch in length. These roaches almost exclusively live outdoors but will move inside to survive winter especially in older homes with wood siding or old timber interiors.

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